• How to become an Environmental Engineer/Scientist

    By:Triad Engineering

    In our ever-growing communities and cities, industries like mining, manufacturing, and construction play a pivotal role in providing resources, building

    homes, and meeting daily needs. However, they also contribute to waste, pollution, and disruptions in our natural ecosystem. Enter Environmental Engineers and Scientists – the unsung heroes working to counterbalance these effects.

    Armed with an understanding of the environment, Environmental Engineers/Scientists design innovative solutions to minimize and manage waste and pollution. They monitor the air, water, soil, and ultimately, our health, and develop strategies that adhere to environmental regulations.

    The demand for Environmental Engineers/Scientists is on the rise. The U.S. Government projects a robust 6% growth in this field from 2022 to 2032. Around 6,900 annual openings for environmental scientists and specialists are expected, highlighting the crucial role they play in our evolving world.

    As the global population expands, these professionals become essential in ensuring a high quality of life with access to clean water, air, and land. The ongoing construction projects supporting this growth create a continuous demand for environmental specialists. Moreover, the increasing global environmental concern only intensifies the need for qualified Environmental Engineers/Scientists.

    These solution-oriented experts can be found in various settings – residential, commercial, industrial, recreational areas, and more. The nature of their work often evolves with experience, starting with fieldwork to build foundational knowledge and progressing to office-based responsibilities such as planning, data analysis, and compliance coordination.

    To become an Environmental Engineer/Scientist it starts with a solid educational foundation. Key subjects include English, Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, and Biology – prerequisites for further education in engineering or science.

    A Bachelor’s degree in either Environmental Engineering or Environmental Science is highly desirable. These programs equip graduates with the skills needed for careers in planning, management, monitoring, and research. Triad Engineering, Inc., a consultancy that deals with environmental concerns, is one such avenue for the application of this knowledge.

    Triad Engineering employs a diverse team of Environmental Engineers and Scientists. They play a crucial role in advising on managing environmental risks, investigating historical and future impacts, and ensuring regulatory compliance. The term “Environmental Consultant” covers a broad range of experts, highlighting the multidisciplinary nature of the field.

    In conclusion, the path to becoming an Environmental Engineer/Scientist is diverse. It’s a career that not only meets the demands of the present but ensures a sustainable and healthier future for all.

    Check out our current opportunities here: https://triadeng.applicantpool.com/jobs/

    Click HERE to check out the Environmental Services offered by Triad.



  • Understanding Turbidity in Water: Compliance and Environmental Insights

    By:Triad Engineering


    https://egov.maryland.gov/mde/npdes/Account/LoginHave you recently received an alert from the MDE eReporting system regarding the reporting of Turbidity and its mandatory submission for 1Q24? Reports are due by April 28, and it’s crucial to be prepared.


    Primarily impacting MD General Permit 20-CP construction sites exceeding 1 acre in size and Individual Permits, Turbidity Monitoring applies specifically to construction sites in basins where the receiving water is listed as a Tier II or the receiving water is listed as Sediment Impaired. This quarterly monitoring involves daily sample collection from each discharge point for as long as the discharge is active. Triadeng.com

    In anticipation of this new requirement, Triad extends proactive assistance to ensure compliance. Our comprehensive services include Discharge Sample Collection, Erosion/Sediment Control Monitoring, and NPDES – SWPPP Services. By addressing these requirements promptly, we aim to facilitate a smooth and compliant process for your operations. Should you have any inquiries or wish to discuss how Triad can further assist you, please don’t hesitate to reach out. We are committed to supporting you in meeting these new reporting obligations.

    Understanding Turbidity and Its Environmental Significance


    Turbidity, the measure of relative clarity of a liquid, serves as a vital parameter in assessing water quality. It gauges the amount of light scattered by materials in water, such as clay, silt, organic matter, algae, and microscopic organisms. Turbidity makes water cloudy or opaque, impacting ecological productivity, recreational values, habitat quality, and causing lakes to fill in faster.

    Moreover, Turbidity plays a crucial role in indicating potential pollution in water bodies. High concentrations of particulate matter can harm aquatic habitats, and the particles also provide attachment sites for other pollutants, such as metals and bacteria. Hence, monitoring Turbidity serves as an essential indicator of water quality.


    Beyond its ecological implications, excessive Turbidity in drinking water is aesthetically unappealing and can pose health concerns. Turbid water provides food and shelter for pathogens, promoting regrowth and leading to waterborne disease outbreaks.

    Measuring Turbidity has evolved with the introduction of state-of-the-art meters installed in rivers, providing instantaneous readings. These devices incorporate various water-quality sensors, including conductivity and temperature gauges, offering a comprehensive understanding of water conditions.triadeng.com

    In conclusion, if you are a permit holder, applicant, operator, or an engineer this new regulation could affect you. Triad Engineering remains dedicated to supporting your operations through comprehensive services and expertise. If you have any questions or wish to explore how Triad can assist you further, please reach out to us. We are committed to ensuring your compliance and environmental stewardship.

    We do more than turbidity measuring! Click HERE for a full list of our Environmental Services.




  • Staying Safe this Holiday Season!

    By:Triad Engineering

    With the holiday season in full swing, it’s crucial to keep safety front and center, especially with the added hustle and bustle. Whether you’re on the construction site or gearing up for some well-deserved time off, here are some tips to make sure we all stay safe and healthy during the holidays.

    1. Stay Warm, Stay Safe

    Winter’s here, and while the snow might look beautiful, it brings its own set of challenges. To avoid cold-related issues:

    • Bundle up in warm layers to protect against the chill.
    • Watch out for signs of cold-related illnesses, and if you notice a teammate shivering or stumbling, get help ASAP.
    • Rock those winter protective gears – think insulated layers, headgear, gloves, and waterproof jackets.

    2. Decorate Safely

    Getting into the holiday spirit with decorations? Awesome! Just remember to keep it safe:

    • Use the right ladder for the job and check it thoroughly before climbing.
    • Inspect holiday lights for any damage and only use outdoor-rated extension cords.
    • Keep faux trees away from heat sources, and never leave lit candles unattended.

    3. Drive Smart

    Traffic gets crazier during the holidays, so let’s be smart on the roads:

    • Take breaks every two hours during long drives to stay alert.
    • Plan your trips so you’re not rushing and breaking any speed records.

    4. Balance Offsite Activities

    We know the holidays come with socializing and celebrating. Stay on top of your game with these reminders:

    • Enjoy holiday treats in moderation.
    • Take some downtime to relax and de-stress.
    • Sneak in some physical activity during your time off.
    • Stick to your regular routines and get enough sleep.

    5. Keep Stress in Check

    The holidays can bring joy, but let’s face it – they can also bring stress. Here’s how to manage it:

    • Recognize and deal with feelings like fatigue, stress, and irritability.
    • Support each other and keep the communication lines open.

    Let’s make this holiday season not only cheerful but safe for all of us. Look out for each other, follow these tips, and here’s to a happy and healthy holiday season!

  • The History and Impact of Daylight Saving Time on the Construction Industry

    By:Triad Engineering

    Who all felt that extra hour of sleep after the Daylight Saving Time this morning? Did you know that this change in time isn’t just about adjusting our clocks—it actually affects various industries, including construction. As we kick off the first workday after “falling back,” it’s interesting to explore how this time change history impacts the construction business.

    The History of Daylight Saving Time

    The idea of DST was first conceived by Benjamin Franklin in a whimsical essay in 1784, proposing the adjustment of waking times to save candle usage. However, the formal concept and implementation of DST were credited to George Hudson, a New Zealand entomologist, who proposed a two-hour shift in 1895 to allow for more daylight after work.

    The first practical use of DST came during World War I when several countries adopted it to conserve fuel. However, it wasn’t until World War II that DST gained widespread adoption as a means to save energy and increase productivity.

    Today, many countries around the world observe DST, though not all regions participate. The dates of implementation, as well as whether or not a country adopts it, vary widely.

    Impact on the Construction Industry

    For the construction industry, which heavily relies on daylight for outdoor work, the change in time can significantly affect operations. The shift in daylight hours due to DST can influence construction projects in several ways:

    1. Extended Working Hours: Longer daylight hours in the evenings during DST allow construction crews to work for an extended period. This can be particularly advantageous during the summer months, as it enables more tasks to be completed in a single day, potentially expediting project timelines.
    2. Efficiency and Productivity: More daylight means more time for work on construction sites. This can lead to increased productivity and efficiency, as workers have more natural light to perform tasks, reducing the need for artificial lighting and potentially reducing operational costs.
    3. Scheduling Challenges: The transition into and out of DST can cause disruption in project schedules. Changes in daylight hours can necessitate adjustments in work hours or shift timings, which might require additional planning and coordination among construction teams.
    4. Safety Concerns: In regions where the time change affects sunrise and sunset times, safety concerns may arise. Early morning construction activities or those that extend into the evening might experience changes in lighting conditions, impacting worker safety and visibility.
    5. Supply Chain and Logistics: The impact of DST isn’t just limited to construction site activities. It can also affect supply chain logistics and delivery schedules, influencing the timely arrival of construction materials.


    Daylight Saving Time continues to be a subject of debate regarding its actual benefits and impacts. While its influence on the construction industry varies based on geographical location, season, and specific project requirements, its effects on work hours, productivity, and safety cannot be disregarded.

    As discussions around the efficacy of DST persist, it’s essential for the construction industry to adapt and plan for the potential impacts of this time change. Understanding and preparing for the fluctuations in daylight hours can help construction companies mitigate any adverse effects and optimize their operations during this temporal shift.

    In conclusion, while DST may offer certain advantages in terms of longer daylight hours, it’s crucial for the construction industry to strategize and adjust schedules to harness these benefits while managing any potential challenges effectively.

  • Cybersecurity Awareness

    By:Triad Engineering

    Twenty years ago, the cyber threats faced personally and in the workplace were much different than they are today. We lived in the somewhat passive and relative comf

    ort of believing that online passwords protected our information.  Over the last twenty years, online criminals have become increasingly more aggressive, sophisticated, and adept at hacking into our information.  To remain protected, we now must take a more active stance in securing our personal and professional information against cyber criminals.  In 2021, the Federal Trade Commission received more than 1.4 million reports of identity theft (Source: Federal Trade Commission, Consumer Sentinel Network Data Book), and in 2022 identity thieves stole approximately $52 billion from American people and businesses (Source: Javelin Strategy & Research, Identity Fraud Study: The Virtual Battleground).

    The Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency ( https://www.cisa.gov/ ) has designated the month of October as Cybersecurity Month. Take advantage of these tips and tactics to help stay ahead of criminals, do your part to protect your critical personal and professional information, and turn the heat up on would-be hackers.

    Utilize multi-factor authentication (MFA)

    • Make it harder for cybercriminals to compromise your accounts by enabling MFA.
    • Where should you use MFA?
      • Financial info like banks and online stores
      • Personal info, like social media and healthcare apps
      • Information used for work
    • Passwords are the frontline gatekeepers of your online kingdom. But why settle for one line of defense when you can have two? MFA doubles the security, making your accounts much more fortified.

    Avoid phishing attempts

    • Don’t take the bait!
    • Reporting a scam helps warn others against cyber incidents. Don’t hesitate to call out phishing attempts. To stop it, report it.
    • Most cyber incidents start with a phish.
    • Common characteristics of phishing attempts:
        • Create a sense of urgency or claim to need help
      • MFA adds an extra layer of protection to your accounts, making it harder for hackers to get in.
      • Ask for personal or financial information
      • Want you to download a file or click on a link
    • Phishing emails disguise themselves as harmless messages, but they’re dangerous digital piranhas swimming in your inbox. Stay vigilant, spot the signs, and report suspicious emails.
    • Phishing emails are sneaky bait trying to reel you in. Learn how to spot and report them.
    • Phishing emails try to breach your defenses, but you can outsmart them. Learn the telltale signs of phishing, such as misspellings, suspicious attachments, or urgent requests, and report those fraudulent messages.

    Leverage the benefits of password managers

    • The average adult may have up to 100 passwords at any given time. Password managers create strong, unique passwords for each account.
    • No matter the account, all passwords should be created with these three words in mind: long unique, and complex.
    • What are the advantages of password managers?
      • Saves time
      • Generates strong passwords
      • Identifies weak passwords
    • Password Managers manage all of your online credentials like usernames and passwords. Passwords are then stored in a safe, encrypted database, and new ones are generated when needed.
    • Strong passwords are your first line of defense against cyber threats. Don’t settle for weak combinations. Create unique and complex passwords for each account and consider using a password manager for added convenience and security.
    • Hackers love easy targets, so don’t make it easy for them. Say “no” to password123, QWERTY, etc. Opt for unique and complex passwords – allow a password manager to do the heavy lifting for you.

    Update software early and often

    • If you connect it, protect it. Outsmart cyber criminals by regularly updating software.
    • Any device that connects to the internet is vulnerable to risks. The best defense is to keep device security software, web browsers, and operating systems up to date.
    • All those update alerts from your software are important to install. Not only do they fix things that might be buggy, but they also patch up any security flaws.
    • Pay attention to software update alerts and set your software to auto-update–it’s an easy way to keep things safe.
    • Stay ahead by enabling automatic software updates. Automatic software updates work silently to protect your devices. Say goodbye to outdated software and embrace the power of the latest features, enhanced performance, and tightened security.

    Implementing basic best practices such as these will help to keep your personal and professional information SAFE and SECURE!