Kyger Creek Power Plant – Geotechnical Drilling Project

The Kyger Creek Power Plant is located in Cheshire, Ohio (Gallia County) and began servicing the area in 1955. It is a 1.08-gigawatt, 1,086 (MW) coal-fired plant and is operated by the Ohio Valley Electric Corporation (OVEC). This plant has 5 units supplied by electricity for the Portsmouth Gasseous Diffusion Plant in Piketon, Ohio as well its counterpart plant, the Clifty Creek Power Plant in Madison, IN. Bowen Engineering is on site and has begun construction of a new Process Building as well as Bio Reactor tanks. Bowen hired Goettle to install the pier foundation system who in turn hired Triad to perform pre-installation core hole drilling for the project.Triad utilized a total of four drill rigs and had nine drilling personnel onsite in order to complete the 5,237.4 linear feet of drilling by June 24, 2024 as requested.

Prior to performing any work on site, each employee had to complete the necessary drug testing requirements as well as the site employee orientation training. Triad drilled a pre-installation core hole at each of the proposed 59 drilled pier locations that will be supporting the new Process Building and Bio Reactor Tanks. The test borings were extended to refusal on bedrock encountered at a depth of approximately 75 feet below the existing ground surface using 3.25 inch ID hollow stem augers. No soil sampling was performed during this drilling. Approximately 12 feet of bedrock was cored at each location using an NQ2 double tube core barrel with a diamond cutting bit. Samples were logged onsite by Stantec personnel and discarded. Triad began work at this site on May 28, 2024, worked very efficiently, and completed the requested drilling on June 21, 2024.
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