Brad Reynolds, PE

Brad Reynolds is a Registered Professional Civil Engineer specializing in the fields of geotechnical engineering and construction. After working for Triad over the summer while attending West Virginia University, Brad came to work for Triad fulltime in 1994 after completing his bachelor’s degree in Civil Engineering. In 1996, Brad started an office in Maryland and helped expand Triad’s working footprint into the Mid-Atlantic region. Brad’s career at Triad started as an Engineering Technician. Over the years, Brad has served in multiple roles from Staff to Senior Geotechnical Engineer, Practice Leader, Regional Manager, and he is now the CEO of Triad. Areas of technical expertise include management and planning of geotechnical investigation projects, civil design, soil and concrete laboratory testing, road and pavement design, karst evaluations including sinkhole remediation, earth and concrete embankment evaluation and design, storm water management facility evaluation and design, special inspections of structures, construction monitoring and testing and structural evaluations. Mr. Reynolds currently has Professional Engineer licenses in Maryland, Pennsylvania, West Virginia, and Virginia.