
Wastewater Collection System Improvements for the Town of Belle, WV

The Town of Belle identified a severe Inflow and Infiltration problem with their wastewater collection and treatment system. Triad conducted a thorough investigation including system mapping, Closed Circuit Television (CCTV) of over 15 miles of collection line, smoke testing, manhole inspections, and evaluation of problem areas. Based on the results of the investigation, Triad made recommendations to solve the Town’s problems.

Remedial efforts included relining over 13,000 LF of existing sewer line, replacement and/or rehabilitation of approximately 80 manholes, and rehabilitation of the 13th Street pump station.

Services provided by Triad included surveying and mapping to generate an existing conditions site map of the pipe routes and manhole and inlet locations, assistance obtaining project funding, obtaining permits from the West Virginia Department of Environmental Protection (WVDEP), generation of design drawings and construction bid packages and construction administration services during the construction process.

Service Provided:

Geotechnical Engineering

Surveying & Mapping
