
Utica District Park, Phase II

Triad Engineering, Inc. (Triad) is currently part of an Indefinite Delivery/Indefinite Quantity design team providing indefinite quantities of services for Frederick County, MD Parks & Recreation.  The services include civil design, survey, environmental and geotechnical engineering services for development of new parks and additions/renovations to existing parks.

Triad’s involvement with the Utica District Park, Phase II design for Frederick County Parks & Recreation consisted of providing civil engineering design, surveying and geotechnical engineering. The project included a quarter mile of new roadway with a vehicular/pedestrian bridge over an existing wetland/stream, several miles of new trails, timber foot brides to cross existing wetlands, three (3) multi-purpose fields, lighting of fields in the existing section of Phase I, water distribution system design and upgrade, three (3) playground areas, associated parking area, grading for two (2) baseball and an additional multi-purpose field for a future phase. Triad also performed the design and plan development for a synthetic turf field that was included as a bid alternate. The design incorporated the use of multiple innovative storm water management water quality structures that eliminated the need for large ponds.

Triad performed an ALTA/NSPS Land Title Survey of this 250-acre district park including the placement of FENO monuments at all property corners and intermittently along the lines. This project also included ground control for aerial mapping, and field run topography for the new bridge structure. Easement documents were prepared for 60 acres of Conservation Easement and 1.5 acres of Stormwater Easements served by 0.75 miles of access easement.

Geotechnical engineering services included performing over fifty (50) soil borings and providing detailed design and construction recommendations associated with the new field lighting, cut slopes, new bridge structure, storm water management facilities, roadway and trail pavement design and challenging groundwater conditions.  Due to existing streams and wetlands, shallow groundwater conditions were present across the project site. Triad designed strategically placed blanket drains and pavement undertrains to help control groundwater both during construction and post construction.

Service Provided:

Civil Engineering

Surveying & Mapping

Geotechnical Engineering
