
The Crossings

The site of a previous 15.5 acre hillside farm has become the home of a 180,000 square foot, four-story senior living facility housing independent living, assisted living, and memory care. Triad provided comprehensive services in support of this project including: civil engineering, surveying and mapping, geotechnical engineering, environmental, and construction materials testing services.


During mapping, a portion of the property was identified as an old strip mine and wetlands were identified in the proposed development area. These features required consideration in the footprint placement and design of the property. Additionally, nearly 100,000 cubic yards of earth were moved for this project during some of the wettest months of the year.


Due to site challenges, there was limited area for development of this project. Triad’s civil designers worked with project architects to relocate the building footprint to avoid wetlands and create proper stormwater best management features.

To maximize the use of the property, site cuts and fill walls were utilized. Triad’s geotechnical engineers provided designs for both a geogrid reinforced dry masonry block wall and a larger block wall along with foundation and earthwork recommendations.

In addition to providing a standard Phase I Environmental Site Assessment (ESA) for the lenders, Triad’s Environmental team worked to delineate the Wetlands / Waterway and obtain Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) approval for the site and a National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) for the storm water discharge. Wetland coordination involved submitting to the US Army Corp of Engineers.

Service areas all relied on the accuracy of Triad’s ALTA / NSPS land title, topographic, and construction stake-out surveys.

Service Provided:

Civil Engineering

Environmental Services

Construction Monitoring

Drilling & Sampling

Geotechnical Engineering

Surveying & Mapping
