
Tammany Heights

The project for Tammany Heights North called for a 74-unit mixed-use residential subdivision. Triad designed for water quality by creating a bio-retention area with plantings and filter soil to remove sediment and natural pollutants during rain events. The project required design and layout over 3,000 linear feet of water and sewer utility service. Triad re-worked the intersection of U.S. Route 11 and Donelson Drive to meet current Maryland State Highway Administration (MD SHA) specifications

Triad provided many services in support of this development which included geotechnical engineering for stormwater best management practices (BMP), testing and inspection, and core testing for MD SHA roadway paving. The environmental department designed the Forest Conservation Areas and delineated Wetland issues for the site. Civil engineering services included creation of site design, utility design, stormwater design, and processing of the plans through the Washington County Review process. Triad created bid documents for the owner and provided consultation to the owner during the bidding process. Triad provided support during construction by managing requests for information and reviewing change orders.

Service Provided:

Civil Engineering

Geotechnical Engineering

Environmental Services

Surveying & Mapping
