
Sycolin Creek Park & Ride

Triad Engineering, working in coordination with Loudoun County General Services, completed the Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) on the Sycolin Creek Park & Ride facility located in Leesburg, Virginia as required by the State Environmental Review Process (SERP).  The project site was a 20-arce parcel located on a 354-acre tract of land located just south of Leesburg, VA along Sycolin Creek Road, near the current Leesburg Airport.

Triad provided a Phase I Environmental Site Assessment (ESA) to assess the possible presence of reasonably apparent hazardous substances, petroleum products or recognized environmental conditions (REC) within the confines of the referenced property.    As such, this investigation permitted the user to satisfy one of the requirements to qualify for the innocent landowner’s defense to Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act (CERCLA) liability.  At the completion of the project, Triad Engineering provided Form EQ-121 to Loudoun County General Services for incorporation with their required documentation for the SERP.  Form EQ-121 is the Virginia Department of Transportation Hazardous Materials Due Diligence Certification for Locally Administered Projects.

Additionally, Triad performed a delineation of the jurisdictional waters of the U.S. (including wetlands), a threatened or endangered species search, and a historical resources search for the project site.  Based upon the search results, Triad was able to initiate Form EQ-555 for Loudoun County, which is the Virginia Department of Transportation Water Quality Permits and Natural Resource Due Diligence Certification for Locally Administered Projects.

Service Provided:

Environmental Services
