
Shepherd University

Triad Engineering, Inc. (Triad) has been performing professional engineering services at Shepherd University for many years.  The University was established in 1871 and was originally called Shepherd College.  The campus is located in Shepherdstown, West Virginia, the oldest town in the state, in the heart of the Shenandoah Valley.  Over the years, Triad has provided a variety of services to include Civil and Geotechnical Engineering, Structural Evaluation, Wetland Delineation Services, Environmental Services and Construction Inspection and testing services for many buildings, utilities, athletic facilities and parking projects across the campus.

Specfic projects have included McMurran Hall settlement evaluation and remediation; Reynolds Hall evaluation; design and construction services for the New Wellness Center; New Apartment Complex and Student Housing Facility; New Field House and Bleachers at the existing Athletic Complex; New Creative Arts Center Phase I and Phase II construction; New Nursing Academic Building; Snyder Hall; Ikenberry Hall; Byrd Science Center; and Turner Hall, as well as several student parking areas.

Recent work has included evaluation and construction oversite of the athletic field bleacher settlement remediation.  As part of the project, Triad performed a visual inspection of the bleacher system and worked with the University staff and contractor to develop a cost effective solution to the foundation movement and bleacher foundation support.  Ultimately a helical pier system was installed under foundations that were experiencing settlement in a very expeditious manner so sections of the bleachers could be re-opened for football games.  Other recent projects have included geotechnical exploration services and construction monitoring and testing for the pedestrian overpass project and preliminary geotechnical exploration for the New Student Housing Development Services project.   The geotechnical exploration for the New Student Housing project included performing multiple test borings, laboratory testing and establishing preliminary conclusions and recommendations for the design and construction of the new facility.  The proposed project site is relatively flat with various site features.  Limestone rock was encountered at various elevations across the project site as well as old fill materials from past site development.

Triad’s extensive experience at Shepherd University has resulted in an intimate familiarity with the site and University property.  The entire campus is underlain by Karst Terrain and has been prone to sinkhole development both post and during construction projects.  Karst features have also developed under and within close proximity to existing structures and have contributed to settlement issues requiring remediation.  Due to our extensive experience with Karst Terrain and Shepherd’s overall property, Triad takes into consideration the risks associated with Karst Terrain into every project both during the design and construction process.  This process ultimately reduces the risk for Shepherd University.

Service Provided:

Geotechnical Engineering

Environmental Services

Civil Engineering

Surveying & Mapping

Construction Monitoring
