The Meigs County Commissioners assumed operation and maintenance of the Rutland Wastewater Treatment and Collection system in April 2012. The collection system, constructed in 1990, is a low-pressure system consisting of approximately 256 individual grinder pump stations, 23,150 linear feet of 1¼” service laterals, 32,300 linear feet of 4” PVC, 67 cleanouts, air release valves, and one holding tank/pump station at the elementary school. The grinder pump stations connected to the sewer mains had not been properly maintained, several pumps were failing, and inflow/infiltration was entering the system through improperly sealed tanks lids and the service laterals.
The wastewater treatment plant is an extended aeration facility with a design capacity of 0.05 million gallons per day (MGD) and a peak design of 0.17 (MGD). While the WWTP can handle the additional flow during periods of wet weather, the peak instantaneous flows put additional stress on the antiquated equipment that was installed when the plant was constructed in 1990.
The Commissioners hired Triad Engineering to assist them in the evaluation of the various options available to them for the rehabilitation of this failing wastewater system. Based on the estimated cost of the various options presented, the Commissioners choose to replace each of the individual grinder pumps stations with 1,000-gallon septic tanks and septic effluent pumping systems (STEP), and to replace the antiquated equipment at the wastewater treatment plant and make miscellaneous improvements.
Services being provided by Triad Engineering included: mapping, engineering design and preparation of construction documents; assistance in obtaining project funding, Public Service Commission approval, and permits; bidding; and construction management, observation, and funding assistance.