
Point of Rocks M.A.R.C. Trail

Triad Engineering, Inc. (Triad) is currently part of an Indefinite Delivery/Indefinite Quantity design team providing indefinite quantities of services for Frederick County, MD Parks & Recreation.  The services include civil design, survey, environmental and geotechnical services for the development of new parks and additions/renovations to existing parks.

Triad’s involvement with the Point of Rocks District Park expansion and M.A.R.C. Station Access Trail Project design consisted of providing civil engineering design, surveying and geotechnical engineering. The project included the installation of approximately 1/2 mile of asphalt trail connecting the residential subdivision located adjacent to the Point of Rock District Park with the M.A.R.C. station. As part of the expansion to the existing park, a new playground area was created and installed and a new parking lot was designed and constructed. The new parking lot was designed to incorporate pervious pavement. Due to the existing stream and planned trail construction in the regulated floodplain, permitting through Maryland Department of the Environment (MDE) was required. Geotechnical engineering services included performing multiple hand augers along the new trail alignment, parking area and new storm water management (SWM) facilities.  Infiltration testing was also performed to evaluate the subsurface soils for suitability as part of the pervious pavement and bio retention design. Geotechnical design and construction recommendations associated with the new trail, parking lot and SWM facilities were also provided in the detailed Geotechnical report.

Service Provided:

Civil Engineering

Surveying & Mapping

Geotechnical Engineering
