
Triad’s industrial work experience has included projects for manufacturing facilities, warehouse facilities, distribution centers, and large commerce parks. Industrial clients have various challenges including regulations and production schedules that demand quick practical solutions developed by the Triad team members. By sharing a wealth of knowledge across all offices in our footprint, our team has proven time and again to our clients and competitors that we produce positive results for many large and small-scale industrial projects across the region.

Morgantown Warehouse Crane Foundations

Triad’s client had nearly finished construction of a 33,000 square foot office and warehouse facility when a subsurface exploration was requested to provide recommendations for overhead mobile cranes to be added to the warehouse portion of the project. In addition, the building was to be retrofitted for four swing job cranes. The cranes were to have their own column and foundations.

Triad performed four borings inside the building sampling the fill, residual soils and weathered bedrock to enable geotechnical analysis of the soils and the development of recommendations to support the cranes. In order to address fill soils beneath the foundations and minimize the potential for settlement, Triad recommended overexcavation of the foundations and slab areas with the placement of engineering fill to foundation or slab subgrade level.

Service Provided:

Geotechnical Engineering

Drilling & Sampling
