Triad provided surveying personnel for construction layout services at the Longwood Community Recreation Center project. The scope of work included the following tasks, which were completed based on the project plans and prior experience.
Survey Control and Waterline: Triad verified existing survey control and established new control as needed to facilitate the project’s stakeout. The centerline of the waterline was staked out using double offsets to mark each curb box, bend, fitting, and other appurtenances. Triad also prepared and delivered a grade sheet, signed and sealed by a licensed Professional Land Surveyor in Maryland.
Utility Designation: Triad engaged an SUE subcontractor to perform Quality Level-B underground utility designation along the proposed waterline route. This included reviewing available utility records and using on-site electromagnetic and Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR) methods to locate utilities.
As-Built Survey: After the installation of the waterline, Triad performed a Final As-Built Survey. The Client was notified when the site was ready for this survey, and Triad provided a drawing detailing the as-built conditions of the waterline. The drawing was signed and sealed by a Maryland-licensed Professional Land Surveyor and delivered to the Client.
These tasks were completed successfully, ensuring that the surveying requirements for the waterline construction were met according to the project specifications.