
Heurich Park Pond Retrofit

Under contract with the Anacostia Watershed Society (AWS), Triad Engineering, Inc. provided design and permitting services for a stream channel restoration/relocation project and a storm water management (SWM) pond retrofit located at Heurich Park in Hyattsville, Maryland. The design and permitting processes for these projects required coordination with multiple agencies including, but not limited to, Maryland-National Capital Parks and Planning (M-NCPPC); Prince George’s County Department of Permitting Inspections and Enforcement (DPIE), Prince George’s County Department of the Environment (DoE); the Maryland Department of the Environment (MDE), and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (Corps).

Triad’s design approach was to relocate the stream bank back to its historical position in the landscape and grade/bench the stream bank back to non-erosive slopes. The main goal of the project was to protect a nearby SWM facility which was being encroached upon by the nearby eroding banks. The secondary goals and benefits of the project were water quality improvements, habitat enhancements, floodplain re-connectivity, increasing flood storage potential, and TMDL credits. Triad evaluated the existing Heurich Park SWM facility to identify the retrofit goals and implemented a design that included a sediment forebay, wet micro-pools and shallow wetlands to improve pollutant removal and create aquatic habitat. The SWM facility retrofit will result in 17.40 acres of impervious area treated with a runoff storage volume of 1.331 Ac-Ft.

Service Provided:

Environmental Services

Civil Engineering
