
Herbruck’s Project Freebird

Triad provided surveying and construction layout services for Herbruck’s Project Freebird, overseen by a Professional Land Surveyor licensed in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. The scope of services included the following tasks, based on project plans and prior experience.

Survey Control: Triad’s surveying personnel recovered and verified existing horizontal and vertical survey control. New survey control was established as necessary to provide stakeout for the project. This task included the establishment of a minimum of four (4) bench marks on-site and the preparation of a sketch.

Process Building Control: Triad provided computations and stakeout services for the Process Building. This included staking six (6) control/grid lines in a North/South direction and six (6) control/grid lines in an East/West direction. The task also involved the stakeout of each building corner with offsets. A grade sheet and sketch were prepared. A maximum of one (1) mobilization was required to complete the tasks in this scope.

Barn Building Control: Triad provided computations and stakeout services for Barn Buildings C through F and the Manure Building. This included staking seven (7) control/grid lines in a North/South direction and three (3) control/grid lines in an East/West direction. The stakeout of each building corner with offsets was also included, along with grade sheet and sketch preparation. A maximum of three (3) mobilizations were required to complete this task.

These surveying services were completed efficiently, supplying accurate layout for the construction of the various buildings within the project.

Service Provided:

Surveying & Mapping

Construction Monitoring

Laboratory Testing
