
CREP Easement Surveys

The Conservation Reserve Enhancement Program (CREP) is a private-land conservation program. CREP is a partnership between State of Maryland Department of Natural Resources (DNR) and the federal government Department of Agriculture. In the State of Maryland, the focus of the Conservation Reserve Enhancement Program is to protect water quality by removing marginal agricultural land from production and replacing it with Best Management Practices (BMPs) including riparian buffers, stabilization of highly erodible soils and restoration of wetlands.

The Washington County Department of Planning and Zoning received grant funding from Maryland DNR to help establish CREP Easement areas. Triad Engineering, Inc. (Triad) has assisted the county with their goals by providing survey services for properties that qualify for CREP. Triad performed field run survey of the CREP Contract Easement Area, CREP Match Easement Area, Additional Easement Area, and prepared an easement plat of said areas. Survey and Plat documents were performed as directed by Washington County Planning and Zoning Department and in accordance with the Maryland DNR Land Acquisition & Planning, Specifications for Easement Description Surveys. Once approved by the sponsor, the easement plat(s) was recorded among the Land Records of Washington County, Maryland.

Service Provided:

Surveying & Mapping
