
Boys and Girls Club – Hagerstown

The job involves the demolition and leveling of the entire site, excluding the existing gymnasium. A new proposed building will be constructed and connected to the gymnasium, with the structure varying from a single-story to a two-story design. This project will include an addition with a footprint of approximately 24,879 square feet.

Triad was contracted to provide geotechnical exploration for the project.  The scope of the work included drilling six soil borings and excavating six test pits. Subsurface conditions as well as groundwater observations were also tested. Triad donated professional staff man hours for the project.

A significant portion of the work was performed while demolition work was being completed.  This required close coordination with the demolition contractor.  In being able to work in conjunction with others Triad was able to help improve the design schedule.

Addendum: While Triad was contracted and completed work on site that involved keeping the existing gymnasium structure it has since been removed from the property.

Service Provided:

Geotechnical Engineering

Landscape Architecture
