• Enhancements at Pine Creek Wastewater Treatment Plant

    By:Triad Engineering

    Enhancements at Pine Creek Wastewater Treatment Plant

    The Pine Creek Wastewater Treatment Facility in Gibsonia, Pennsylvania, is undergoing upgrades to modernize its operations, originally established in the 1970s. The project aims to enhance the facility’s efficiency and environmental safety through the installation of a new ultraviolet (UV) light system designed to effectively eliminate germs and bacteria from the wastewater.

    In addition to the UV system, the facility will also see the addition of six new processing tanks, each with a capacity of 450,000 gallons, increasing its treatment capabilities. These improvements are part of a comprehensive plan to ensure the plant meets contemporary standards for wastewater management.

    KLH Engineers, Inc., based in Pittsburgh, is leading the design of the upgrades, while Triad has been engaged to conduct construction materials testing. This includes testing of the approximately 4,000 cubic yards of concrete required for the project. Triad’s services encompass evaluating the concrete’s slump, air entrainment, and temperature upon delivery. Following these assessments, cylinders are cast for strength testing.

    After the concrete has cured, the cylinders are sent to Triad’s laboratory for rigorous strength evaluations. These measures are to ensure the integrity and durability of the materials used in the facility’s enhancements.

    Overall, the improvements at the Pine Creek Wastewater Treatment Plant represent a significant step forward in ensuring reliable and efficient wastewater treatment for the community, while also prioritizing public health and environmental protection.

  • Kyger Creek Power Plant – Geotechnical Drilling Project

    By:Triad Engineering

    The Kyger Creek Power Plant is located in Cheshire, Ohio (Gallia County) and began servicing the area in 1955.  It is a 1.08-gigawatt, 1,086 (MW) coal-fired plant and is operated by the Ohio Valley Electric Corporation (OVEC).  This plant has 5 units supplied by electricity for the Portsmouth Gasseous Diffusion Plant in Piketon, Ohio as well its counterpart plant, the Clifty Creek Power Plant in Madison, IN.  Bowen Engineering is on site and has begun construction of a new Process Building as well as Bio Reactor tanks.  Bowen hired Goettle to install the pier foundation system who in turn hired Triad to perform pre-installation core hole drilling for the project.Triad utilized a total of four drill rigs and had nine drilling personnel onsite in order to complete the 5,237.4 linear feet of drilling by June 24, 2024 as requested.





    Prior to performing any work on site, each employee had to complete the necessary drug testing requirements as well as the site employee orientation training.  Triad drilled a pre-installation core hole at each of the proposed 59 drilled pier locations that will be supporting the new Process Building and Bio Reactor Tanks. The test borings were extended to refusal on bedrock encountered at a depth of approximately 75 feet below the existing ground surface using 3.25 inch ID hollow stem augers.  No soil sampling was performed during this drilling.  Approximately 12 feet of bedrock was cored at each location using an NQ2 double tube core barrel with a diamond cutting bit.  Samples were logged onsite by Stantec personnel and discarded.  Triad began work at this site on May 28, 2024, worked very efficiently, and completed the requested drilling on June 21, 2024.


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  • So you want to become a Landscape Architect?

    By:Triad Engineering

    Written by: Corey Armstrong

    Corey Armstrong started in the landscape industry as a teenager working for a friend and fellow classmate doing odd-jobs, planting shrubs and mulching. Later, summer mornings before his senior year in high school evolved into riding in the front passenger seat of an old pickup truck while sketching on Dunkin Donut napkins, this experience serving both as initial design studio time and unofficial construction documentation for much larger backyard renovations, poolscapes, and elaborate planting layouts in local suburban neighborhoods. This modest introduction to design/build would lead Corey to completing his BS in Landscape Architecture from West Virginia University, working in multi-disciplinary firms outside of New York City, becoming a licensed landscape architect, and utilizing powerful 3-D renderings and designs to manage millions of dollars in design-build construction over the years. Corey has been fortunate to work on many creative and rewarding employment opportunities in the landscape architecture profession and joined the Triad team in early January 2024.

    What in the world is a Landscape Architect?

    If you don’t already know, Landscape Architects are the ethereal gatekeepers to experiential and aesthetic enlightenment. They are the manifest’ers of brilliant physical splendor where they and Mother Nature herself tango in the twilight, coalescing their opulent wisdom to draft the blueprints so that common man can build places we adore, destinations we discover, majestic gardens we walk and admire, and the homes, castles, and kingdoms we make our own.

    Alright. That might be a little much. Let me start over.

    Landscape Architects (LA’s) are trained professionals who design outdoor spaces, drawing from a blend of integrative and academic training, collaborative studio projects, drafting experience, a vast knowledge of plant and construction materials and methods, and real-world immersion. But getting your degree is only the first step. A Landscape Architect must bring sharp attention to detail to every project. Strong client involvement and comprehensive site assessments generally evolve into a host of tasks, including preparing contracts, conducting site surveys, analyzing environmental reports, and working together with diverse stakeholders. LA’s utilize CAD and other software to create detailed plans and renderings, and success in this role hinges on staying updated with industry trends, conducting interdisciplinary research, and effectively communicating with clients and team members. An invested approach and passion for the profession will often lead to working on some very cool projects in the design, development, and construction industries.

    Allow me to go in a little more detail…

    Often the case, Landscape Architects have a creative magnetism to reckon with. They like graphics and have an eye-for-design. They like building things too; they are the kids who played in the dirt, dragged logs through the woods to construct forts – then campfires, jumped in streams after crayfish and salamanders, stacked rocks, and doodled in class. As professionals, landscape architects employ various levels of site design, civil engineering, and architecture to improve and add interest to the built environment.

    They are inherently self-motivated to create places they themselves would love to interact in.

    Landscape Architects are proficient in showcasing, enhancing, or mimicking natural landscapes, elements, and systems. They design and manage projects ranging from regional park systems that span hundreds of thousands of acres, or major urban redevelopment initiatives, to quaint patio spaces in residential applications. LA’s are trained to design and manage everything from stormwater in parking lots, or pedestrian and bike trail systems, to dreaming up recreational destinations like luxury golf courses, and crafting unique experiences found in interactive zoos, resorts, or in extravagant coastal wedding venues.

    Landscape architecture is a vocation that aims to improve the relationship and interactions between people and a specific environment.

    So what?

    Well, if you want to enrich the connection within, or to a particular place, you might consider hiring a landscape architect. Depending on the project, LA’s can work solo, working one-on-one with an individual client or organization from start to finish. On bigger projects, LA’s typically collaborate with a team of engineers (civil, structural, transportation, etc.), architects, and/or an endless list of site-specific experts and stakeholders. Like most design consultants, LA’s are often responsible for providing solutions to complex and multifaceted projects. Managing budgets, directing communication efforts with and between various shareholders, designing sites with ever-changing zoning and building criteria, and in diverse urban and natural environments, or meeting aggressive timelines while leading a team of consultants and contractors are all part of an LA’s daily considerations.

    Landscape Architects are called upon for other specific, niche, and custom projects too. Some projects aim to revitalize sites with historical and cultural significance, or to memorialize places, events or individuals in a given area. LA’s are often fortunate to find themselves in meaningful, professional design endeavors, and sometimes, we get to work in our very own communities!

    Here’s a couple of unique projects I have worked on as a registered landscape architect.

    Evergreen Heritage Center Foundation (EHC)– Mt. Savage, Maryland

    Nestled in Western Maryland’s Appalachian Mountains, the EHC, or Evergreen, is now a 130-acre historically rich and natural environment settled by Edward Grimes, a Lieutenant in the Revolutionary War. Teeming with boulders, native flora and abundant wildlife, a working farm and mature forest, fifth generation family member and founder Janice Keene created a landmark non-profit organization and award-winning environmental education center. Evergreen currently hosts thousands of students annually in the tri-county elementary, middle, high schools, and local colleges, not to mention regular tours from countless organizations, recreational enthusiasts, legislators, and community supporters.

    The site boasts ruins of a rich mining era, including an old schoolhouse foundation, mule trails that once connected to an existing railroad line, an old house with a freshwater spring that runs through the cellar, and an immaculately preserved chestnut oak barn on the national historic registry (now a popular wedding venue), built in 1780.

    Mrs. Keene needed a comprehensive plan to guide, to grow, and to increase exposure, support, and success of her foundation. Numerous historical elements had to be renovated or revitalized, and increased visitation demanded new opportunities, low impact parking, vehicular, pedestrian and mountain bike circulation, and wayfinding. The land is environmentally sensitive with protected species and habitat, creeks, and natural springs which present both limitations and opportunity. With much of the land off-grid, specialized and non-conspicuously applied solar applications were introduced to power the growing facility without negotiating historic relevance, building materials or site features.

    A rendering of the master plan completed for Evergreen Heritage Center in Mt. Savage, MD.

    I try to visit a couple times a year, and Mrs. Keene has told me on many occasions that the plan has enabled her to be awarded hundreds of thousands of federal and state dollars to maintain, create and expand opportunities that support the goals of her non-profit. The project drawings have been inserted in hundreds of presentations as well as in grant applications and other publications. As a landscape architect, thousands of people each year get to walk the trails, celebrate the views we created, to learn and discover, and experience the site in a way that commemorates the beauty of the past while looking positively to the future.

    Coal Miner Memorial Project, Frostburg, Maryland

    The Coal Miner Memorial Project is a special site that celebrates the rich history of coal mining in the community, specifically the many people who lost their lives in the mines over time. Located uphill of the popular Great Allegany Passage bike trail that connects Pittsburgh to Washington D.C, and adjacent to the scenic railroad and steam engine train depot, The Coal Miner project was born out of the interest of local historians and long-time residents that formed a small committee. They approached me with old black and white photographs of local miners, stories of tragedy, of honor and ‘hardscrabble’ resilience. They educated me with stories and tattered maps of deep mines whose remnants still intersect underground below Frostburg and in the surrounding hills. Everyone in this community, it seems, has a family member who worked in the mines and the connection was not lost on me. Before she passed away recently, my wife’s grandmother (both also from Frostburg) would tell me stories of her father and uncles who came from Germany to work in the mines. To hear these detailed and very personal stories is captivating – often tragic, and compelling to say the least.

    The goal of the project was to envision a destination that would honor the miners, many of whom were children, and whose stories are mostly unknown to the general public. Without much design experience, the committee knew simply that they wanted to create a place where families could come and read the names and a brief biography of their relatives, and to commemorate their lives. As a landscape architect, I understood the significance of this project. I knew I needed to celebrate a grander history, sustain the pride of a small community, and authenticate a place for genuine reflection. The design was intended to reproduce an experience, to evoke imagination, and to educate those that visit who may not have a connection to the region or to coal mining.

    A rendering of the Coal Miner Memorial Project in Frostburg, MD.

    The 1-acre, triangle-shaped parcel happened to be on a somewhat limiting, sloping grade. By chance, the design took shape quickly, and the site lent itself to cutting into the hillside to create a pathway or simulated mine-shaft. Locally sawn timbers were specified overhead to replicate shaft supports, and large retaining walls on each side generate a sense of confinement. As you crest the slope and “come out of the mine,” you are met by a life-size bronze statue of a miner that captures your attention amid the backdrop of the Allegheny Mountains. Native plants and giant boulders flank the main walkway, and interpretive signs, photographs, and banners that list hundreds of the fallen miners surround you as you move throughout the site.

    In Summary

    Landscape Architects are trained to practice with a diverse skill set to create solutions and benefits for various kinds of sites, projects, and applications. Often passionate about their work – whether working alone or as part of a team, LA’s use creative, technical and practical approaches to enhance natural or constructed environments. In my (perhaps not-so-much) humble opinion, if you or your organization is thinking about meaningful space or place-making, large or small, meeting with a landscape architect is an awesome place to start!

  • The Importance of Site Selection in Land Development Projects

    By:Triad Engineering

    The importance of site selection in land development further emphasizes the critical role that civil engineers play in the success and sustainability of development projects. To ensure the project is economically viable, one must consider the many factors that play into the feasibility of a project. Factors such as accessibility, the environment, the availability of infrastructure, and mitigation of other risks (underlying soil/rock quality, flooding, seismic activity, contamination, etc.) must be considered to ensure that the project is successful, sustainable, and resilient for the long term while minimizing risks and maximizing benefits for all stakeholders involved. Some of the many facets of the analysis that goes into site selection include:

    1. Optimizing Land Use: The importance of selecting sites that maximize land use efficiency while minimizing environmental impact is critical. This may involve evaluating existing land conditions, potential for redevelopment or repurposing, potential for future growth and development, and the proposed site’s compatibility with the surrounding land uses.
    2. Earthwork and Excavation: Underscores the role of geotechnical engineering in managing earthwork and excavation operations, including slope stability analysis and cut-fill optimization.
    3. Slope Stability Analysis: Geotechnical engineering analysis helps to understand the slope stability of the soils and rock strata to mitigate risks of landslides and erosion, especially in hilly or unstable terrain.
    4. Ground Improvement Techniques: Various ground improvement methods can be necessary to enhance soil strength and stability, such as compaction, soil stabilization, and reinforcement. These factors must not be overlooked in the planning of any land development project.
    5. Retaining Structures: Involves a needs assessment and, as appropriate, the design of any potential requirement of retaining structures, such as retaining walls and embankments to support vertical or lateral earth pressures and prevent soil erosion. These are real costs that can affect the viability of a project and must be considered.
    6. Infrastructure Accessibility: Emphasis on the significance of choosing sites with convenient access to transportation networks, utilities, and other essential infrastructure to support construction activities and future operations.
    7. Environmental Considerations: Addresses the need to assess environmental factors such as soil quality, hydrology, vegetation, wildlife habitat, and sensitive ecosystems when selecting sites, emphasizing the importance of minimizing ecological disturbance and preserving natural resources.
    8. Regulatory Compliance: Ensuring that selected sites comply with applicable zoning regulations, land use ordinances, environmental protection laws, and permitting requirements minimizes legal and regulatory challenges during project implementation.
    9. Stakeholder Engagement: Seek out stakeholders, including local communities, government agencies, landowners, and project investors, in the site selection process to gather input, address concerns, and build consensus around project objectives and priorities.
    10. Long-Term Considerations: These factors emphasize the need to consider the long-term impacts of climate change, future land-use trends, and infrastructure adaptability when selecting sites to ensure the durability and sustainability of civil development projects over time.

    By addressing these key areas, a proper feasibility study underscores the significance of strategic site selection in achieving the economic, environmental, and social objectives of land development projects to ensure the project is beneficial to all stakeholders.


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  • Duncan Box – Huntington, WV – Phase I ESA, Phase II ESA & Tank Pull

    By:Triad Engineering


    Duncan Box Huntington, WV Triad Engineering

    Duncan Box, a roughly 4-acre property situated at the intersection of 14th Street West and Van Buren Avenue in Huntington Cabell County, West Virginia, has a rich historical background, having housed various enterprises such as a slaughterhouse, sausage factory, box manufacturing facility, hardware store, custom sawmill, and lumber storage.

    The primary goals of the project were twofold: to assess and remediate the site, ensuring its suitability for redevelopment, all the while prioritizing human health safeguards. Collaborating closely with the Region II Planning & Development Council, Triad Engineering played a pivotal role in the evaluation and enhancement of their brownfield site inventory for the Interstate 64 Corridor in the Metro Valley Region, specifically incorporating Duncan Box into the assessment.

    Recently acquired by the Huntington Area Development Council (HADCO), the property underwent additional scrutiny and remedial measures conducted by Triad. This encompassed a comprehensive Phase II Environmental Site Assessment (ESA) and various remediation activities. Noteworthy tasks included the extraction of potentially contaminated water from the basement, dismantling existing groundwater monitoring wells, investigating the adjacent rail line, and removing a previously closed-in-place underground storage tank.

    Triad’s comprehensive suite of services included:

    • Phase I ESA
    • Owner/Occupant Interviews
    • Site Reconnaissance
    • Environmental Regulatory Database Reviews
    • Examination of Historic Records and Sanborn Fire Insurance Maps
    • Report Preparation
    • Development of Sampling and Analysis Work Plans
    • Phase II ESA
    • Underground Storage Tank (UST) Removal