Triad Engineering provided geotechnical engineering services for this bridge replacement project. Services provided by Triad consisted of the following:
- Designed a boring program including locations and depths of roadway approach and structure borings.
- Prepared boring contract documents, solicited bids, received and evaluated bids, and coordinated the performance of the test borings.
- Our project engineers attended WVDOT/DOH project review and progress meetings on an as needed basis to discuss and review the geotechnical aspects of the project.
- Geologists and geotechnical technicians inspected all drilling activity, and logged samples recovered from the borings.
- Geotechnical laboratory testing was performed in our certified laboratory to characterize the soils and determine their engineering properties.
- Recommendations were made for the design of all bridge foundations, including foundation types and estimated depths, allowable bearing pressures or loads, and other necessary geotechnical design information.
- Boring stick diagrams on computer disk were provided to the designers for their use in preparing the final design cross-sections.
- Soil and geologic plan and cross-section drawings were prepared for inclusion in the final project plans.
- A geotechnical investigation report for the bridge was submitted.
All work was performed in accordance with generally accepted geotechnical engineering practice and applicable West Virginia Department of Transportation / Division of Highways Design Directives.