Within Triad’s regional footprint, our offices maintain great working relationships with a large variety of Government agencies on local, state, and federal levels. Triad has worked on projects for government facilities and buildings, utility systems and stormwater management, while also maintaining a vast amount of on-call/IDIQ contracts for multiple agencies. Through Triad’s heavy involvement with these agencies, our team has developed a proficiency in industry knowledge and regulations.
The Meigs County Commissioners assumed operation and maintenance of the Rutland Wastewater Treatment and Collection system in April 2012. The collection system, constructed in 1990, is a low-pressure system consisting of approximately 256 individual grinder pump stations, 23,150 linear feet of 1¼” service laterals, 32,300 linear feet of 4” PVC, 67 cleanouts, air release valves, and one holding tank/pump station… Services Provided:
The Town of Belle identified a severe Inflow and Infiltration problem with their wastewater collection and treatment system. Triad conducted a thorough investigation including system mapping, Closed Circuit Television (CCTV) of over 15 miles of collection line, smoke testing, manhole inspections, and evaluation of problem areas. Based on the results of the investigation, Triad… Services Provided:
Under contract with the Anacostia Watershed Society (AWS), Triad Engineering, Inc. provided design and permitting services for a stream channel restoration/relocation project and a storm water management (SWM) pond retrofit located at Heurich Park in Hyattsville, Maryland. The design and permitting processes for these projects required coordination with multiple agencies including, but not limited to, Maryland-National Capital Parks and Planning… Services Provided:
Triad Engineering, Inc. was selected by the City of St. Albans to design the new gateway and streetscape improvements to the downtown area. Services included the preparation of a master plan, construction documents, and construction administration. The streetscape included parking improvements, landscape improvements, reduction of pedestrian and vehicular interaction, period… Services Provided: